Friday, January 18, 2013

Top 5 ways to burn fat fast

Top 5 ways to burn fat fast

By: Sarah Cowell
Regular exercise is the best way to fight the flab but it is easy for a mundane fitness routine to plateau and for good living to start piling on the pounds. If you need a new lease of life to kick start your usual healthy living plan then follow these tips.
Work out more
Whether you exercise or not, you may be surprised to know that most of us hardly exercise at all. Remember, the only way to lose weight is to burn off more calories than you are consuming; this means you have to move around more. Aim to do four to five cardio workouts per week. Try two 20-minute sessions, one 30–45-minute session and two 45–75-minute sessions. If you struggle to fit long sessions into your working week, do short sessions instead of skipping the work out altogether. A little is better than nothing at all.
Push yourself
Notch the levels up on the treadmill, work harder on your road run, increase the resistance on the bike. Lift a slightly heavier weight. The smallest increases will make all the difference. It will feel hard at first, but your body will adapt after two weeks when you should implement another change. Keep your body guessing and the rest will look after itself. Make sure you have two days of rest from exercise per week to avoid injury and muscle strain.
Lift weights
I know I always end up talking about this, but strength training should be done by everyone – yes, even women! Three 15-20 minute sessions per week of weight training will make all the difference to lower back strength, bone density, the amount of calories you burn when you’re not working out and, the factor we all care about the most, the look and feel of your body.
Eat sensibly
To maintain a healthy weight and BMI the best way to eat is with a low GI diet. Foods with carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion and release glucose rapidly into the bloodstream tend to have a high GI; foods with carbohydrates that break down more slowly, releasing glucose more gradually into the bloodstream, tend to have a low GI. In basic terms it is about the quality of the carbohydrates, rather than the quantity. A low GI food will cause a small rise in blood glucose level, while a high GI food will trigger a dramatic spike in blood glucose level. Most fruits and vegetables; legumes/pulses; some whole, intact grains; nuts; tagatose; fructose; kidney beans; beets; chickpeas are low GI. Basically, look for fibrous foods when shopping as they digest more slowly in your gut and release energy gradually, keeping you fuller for longer.
Don’t diet
This is another tip I cannot stress enough to my clients when we discuss diet and fitness. In basic terms, diets do not work. You end up depriving your body and ultimately failing at achieving what is usually an unattainable goal. Healthy eating does not have to be boring. Save treats for the weekend and eat sensibly and in moderation during weekdays. Really think about the type of food you are eating and make the switch to ‘cleaner’ food, so more fish, less red meat, unrefined products, such brown rice and brown bread, eat plenty of fibre and drink lots of water for a cleaner gut.


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